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Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, inc. -> RockChickFairy

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E.B. Stevens, Brandon Mull
Stephen King, Steven Weber
ARIVACA: Guardians of the Light
John R Poulsen
Andrea Cremer, David Levithan
Deadline (Newsflesh Trilogy, #2)
Nell Geislinger, Chris Patton, Mira Grant

The Lost Kingdom

The Lost Kingdom - Stephanie Beerden
This is a great start to a series.

Magic, unicorns, fairies, nymphs, witches and even black widows.. they're all here.

This is a story about Arima, a girl with a past hidden from her. She grew up in an inconspicuous village surrounded by normal people, she even had a best friend. However, all of these changed when she hit the age of 16. She was told about her real identity. As it turns out, she's a very special person in their land... well one of five. She discovers the truth about herself and many things about her legacy... but her village perishes in the process. This brought about many tragedies in her young life.

Arima goes on her adventure of a lifetime. She's bound to have many enemies, but she also gets to meet a lot of friends along the way. I enjoyed going to many places with them. The descriptions of places in this book is very vivid. It's awesome. :)


Arima is a very stubborn, hard headed, ill tempered immature girl. I say that with full conviction. She has the worst trait that a teenage could have. She doesn't listen well to elders and she does things first before thinking about them. I know, I know, a lot of people would say that she's just following her heart... I get that. I totally get that, but it doesn't erase the fact that she's annoying as hell when she does just what SHE WANTS. She's a bad example for teens nowadays. My wish for her character is that she outgrows those bad qualities. There's still hope for her because I think deep down, she's could still be a better person. She could be a smarter person who doesn't make snap decisions and one who thinks a lot first about others' opinion rather than just herself.

Blythe is a vampire who vowed to help Arima because of a certain reason. He's loyal to Arima. I like him, so I was also frustrated A LOT when he was frustrated with Arima. He believes in what Arima can be in the future and that they should take care of that. I like Blyth too because he cares and he's not selfish.

Her unicorn is quite magical, powerful and in my imagination.. she's really beautiful. This story won't be complete without her. She's loyal to Arima to a fault. It's awesome.

The other characters are very, very CRUCIAL TO THIS BOOK. They bad guys are really bad.. I mean, they really do nasty things to people. There are some characters who started out seeming like bad characters, but they are innately good. The other good guys are so nice and accommodating, I can't imagine this book without them. One character in particular, Arima's best friend... I WANT HIM TO BE ALIVE. I really want him to live so that they could pursue a relationship on the next book. heh! ;)


I find the timeline of this book a bit confusing. They seem to be in the medieval ages, but somehow words like "yuck" and "freaking" are in here. Those words, as far as I know came out in the 1960's - 1970's while the medieval times lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. Hmm..


✔ The appearance of the other ladies. I want to know what they're like and who they are.
✔ Arima's future love interest.
✔ The next adventures.
✔ New creatures.
✔ More action parts.
✔ Maybe a love life too for Blythe.
✔ Finding out who the woman in black really is. It's so frustrating not to know this tidbit!


I give this book 4 fairy wings. I might not have loved the main character, but I sure loved her adventures as well as the people who helped her! ^_^

I was given a review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This review can also be seen on our blog: Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, inc.