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Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, inc. -> RockChickFairy

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Currently reading

E.B. Stevens, Brandon Mull
Stephen King, Steven Weber
ARIVACA: Guardians of the Light
John R Poulsen
Andrea Cremer, David Levithan
Deadline (Newsflesh Trilogy, #2)
Nell Geislinger, Chris Patton, Mira Grant


Spark - Erin Noelle I actually cried for the characters in this book!

REVIEWER'S NOTE: Whenever I read fiction books, though I know they're not real, I always see their potential to be real. I say "Oh, this can happen in real life."... Well, this book's dilemma could definitely happen in real life! I'm a nurse, so I know just how serious Epilepsy could be. I have personally witnessed attacks like this before and it's not pretty. Now, for this book to describe just how the family truly cared for Caleb (the boy with this illness)? Let's just say it touched my heart big time.

Okay.. now onto the review!

Another book that makes me feel like I should treasure the life that I've been given!

To be very honest, I had little expectation from this book. I just wanted to read a good book that will make me feel better. I've been ill these past few weeks, so I just wanted to relax and go hide inside a romantic book. I also confess that I read this because of the hot guy in the cover, which if I may say so, is the perfect CREW!! Anyway, with that shallow reason... I got to discover a book that will surely touch your heart.

Crew is a character that you'd want your daughter to date and it's not just because he's handsome and hot and all that girly definition of a man. It's because he's responsible, he puts the other person's needs before him, he thinks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, he is the perfect combination of alpha and husband material. But of course, he ain't perfect. Crew has his moments of umm.. well.. hot headedness. However, being the forgiving reader that I am, I always forgive him. How he interacts with his family definitely makes up for his lack of social skills sometimes. :)

Now on the other hand.. we have the selfless and truly kind Hudson. Such a beautiful character! I imagined her as a good kind of girl, very pretty inside and out. She's a helper, a fixer and a natural born nurturer. She finds herself head over heels with Crew and off they go on a roller coaster of emotions. I can't imagine living a life like hers. She's actually more free than many other characters I come across. Her family is one of a kind. There are so many of them and all of them look promising. Anyway, she's just someone you'd want your son to hold on to forever. A good kind of woman who's smart and who could also be fun. :)

The story here revolves around their interaction with each others' families. It's their sense of responsibility that will make you love them both. What I love about this too is that the people around them, the parents, the siblings, even the right kind of friends are monumental to building their kind of a relationship. They helped these two characters grow and they made things easy for them and that's a big thing because when you read this, you'll see just how serious life can be.

Watch them get together, stay together, break apart and find each other once again. :)

Such a heartfelt (and hot) story!

Recommended for those who want their hearts tugged.
